Saturday, September 14, 2013

Why Privacy on the Internet May Offer Security Risks

Unfortunately , in this age your privacy on the Internet can put you and others in danger ! The scandal over the NSA has access to your private data that reflect their online activities has attracted the world's attention ! This protest has to do with whether a person online privacy is being violated by this surveillance to be monitored suspicious activity in a proactive effort to stop terrorism ! To date, the mood of public opinion has been one of awe and suspicion but there is some legitimacy to the need for this type of surveillance !
Here are 3 reasons difficult to dispute as to why your online privacy , at least here in the U.S. , May be compromised in an effort to keep you and your family safe !
Bad Guys there (not just video )
The most vulnerable part of society there is even online and track any suspicious activity is the only way to control it! It seems "controls" or " caution " of some sort must apply online to prevent malicious use of the technology ! We need to reconsider our view of our own web activity as completely secret and confidential? The most obvious and effective tactic to control illegal , unsafe or suspicious activity online is through diligence and observation ! If you have a better idea of what may actually be the founder of the Internet company 's next HUGE !
The stakes have changed
More than ever, the Internet is proving to be a valuable component of the fabric of today 's society ! Must be protected in order to protect citizens from the web too! If it means compromising your privacy online and that seems like a small price to pay ! We all know how effective and efficient the website is for communication purposes , but unfortunately so does the ' weakness ' of our society and that's the problem ! Sometime certain preventive measures to be taken and if you 're worried about your private data under consideration of what are you hiding ? I'm reasonably sure that when the Constitution was created in the beginning did not take into consideration the internet! People this is truly a new frontier and everyone should be careful until we have it all figured out !
Using technology to fight crime
Although it has been shown how technology can be used against us can "protect " us too! It is very important to remember that the Web is a public entity and not a place where your private data to display or share in any way! We're talking about common sense here as to the risks assumed from the decisions you make are yours alone and which is accountable ! Underestimation of the need for security and placement of online privacy first is a stupid choice to make and it deserves careful consideration !
Recent protests against having our Internet privacy violated by government organizations monitoring of suspicious activities is understandable! Since the creation of the Internet, users' private data never has publicly committed , or at least we never had that statement proven , so far! As the evolution of the web itself so should the laws and government policies that evolve too! In this case it is for the sake of national security and of course , your own safety! Let's face it , the world is changing and 'bad' can be found everywhere even online ! If you want yourself and your family protected from those who are up to no good , seems to ' sacrifice ' their online privacy is a small price to pay! Also, is not it a little presumptuous to feel whatever you do in the 'World Wide Web ' is kept secret ? The conclusion is that if you have something to hide to not publish confidential or private data online!

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