Thursday, September 26, 2013

BBM application in Windows

Not only Android and iOS that can run the BlackBerry Messenger (BBM). Windows devices also have the capability. This is evidenced directly by Alec Saunders, VP of Developer Relations at the main stage BlackBerry BlackBerry Jam 2013.

In the demo showed, Alec fuel run applications that have been installed on a notebook. Has a display applications like BBM on BlackBerry 10 devices, the BlackBerry executives can perform activities such fuel in general. Ranging from chat to send pictures.

but do not take the conclusion first, unlike Android and iOS for a stand-alone, BBM application installed on Windows is apparently only works when its plugged his BlackBerry device on the notebook being used.

Even so, on the other hand BBM app for Windows is certainly able to provide convenience for users who are often busy in front of his notebook.

It does not have to be bothered lifting his BlackBerry device when you want to answer incoming BBM messages, simply by answering via screen notebook is being used.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Nero 2014 Platinum Final Multilingual

Nero 2014 Platinum is a multimedia software suite that lets you capture, convert and consume your movies, music and photos for the best HD home entertainment experience. Nero Platinum was built to support Windows 8 and provides the best experience for enjoying Blu-ray Discs. With Nero Platinum, it is fast and easy to achieve the results you want by working seamlessly across the applications in the suite. Nero Platinum supports the latest video formats and has everything you need to convert, edit, burn, stream and enjoy your movies, music and photos in high-definition.

Stream your movies, photo slideshows and music playlists throughout your home
Avoid the hassle of recreating photo albums, slideshows or music playlists to stream on different devices in your home. With Nero Platinum, create them once and then stream them to your XBOX 360™, PS3™, iPad®, Android tablet, PC, digital media adaptor, streaming-enabled TV, or other DLNA- or UPnP-supported devices.

One player for all your videos and music
Forget the hassle of using different players for your video and audio discs and files. With Nero Platinum, you get one media player that can simply handle everything.

Total support for high-definition AVCHD™ Progressive video
Import, edit and export videos in AVCHD™ Progressive (50p/60p) format. Quickly output it with SmartEncoding. Rip it to virtually any other video file format.
Nero Platinum lets you do just about everything with your high-definition videos so you can enjoy them on any device.

8 Unique Keyword Hidden in Google

Google certainly relate to relate well with Keyword or Keyword. Yup .. use the keyword search when it is helpful to know the list according to the site content type. Speaking of keywords, I found some unique keywords that may result've never imagined before

Here are 10 unique keywords in a Google search.
  1. If you type in do a barrel roll, will get search results display rotates from right to left 
  2. Type the zerg rush, will generate a lot of the letter "O" is down then will destroy all the search results, and all of the letter "O" will form the letters "GG". 
  3. Type askew, then display the search results will be skewed to the right.

How to secure your Wi-Fi network?

Wireless router just bought might have an installation CD for the seller, and the CD that walked through the creation of security on the router in a step by step guide or wizard. Probably you never have to or how to use it.Actually I can not install the CD , because I think that these programs cumbersome and the main reason is to avoid having multiple management applications that have nothing to do with my network.Therefore, my suggestion here is how to set up your router without using a custom application.STEP 1 > Open a new browser.STEP 2 > you can now enter the IP address of the router in your browser. The step here is where you can access the management system of your router. Due to the different suppliers, you need to look in the manual of the router to the IP address ( usually the , or or something similar to parties ) and the default password of the router .

Bandwidth and Storage Space Calulations

Network video products utilize the bandwidth and storage space depending on its configuration. This depends on the following:- Number of cameras- If the recording will be continuous or event-based- Number of hours per day that the camera is recording- Frames per second- Image Resolution- Video compression type : Motion JPEG , MPEG - 4, H.264- Landscape : the complexity of the image ( for example, gray wall or a forest ) , lighting conditions  and the amount of movement ( office environment or train stations crowded)- How long should store dataBandwidth requirementsIn a surveillance system that involves small chambers 8 to 10 , a switch core network 100 - megabit (Mbit ) can be used without having to consider bandwidth limitations . Most companies can implement a monitoring systemsystem of this size using your existing network. By applying 10 or more cameras , the network load can be calculated with a few golden rules : A camera that is configured to provide high quality images at high frame rates used approx . From 2-3 Mbit / s of network bandwidth available.- With more than 12-15 cameras , consider the use of a switch with a gigabit backbone .

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Why You Need Software Testing

To answer the question posed in the title , we have to understand what is software testing . In fact , consists of two components:
  • Verification: are we building / doing the right thing ?
  • Validation: are we building / doing things right ?
Verification allows us to be sure we understand what you want to achieve, and validation ensures that we have parties that , in addition to being well implemented . This is not only applicable to software development , or, as discussed below .Do you need to do software testing?If you are running a project involving computers, then you will have to do some testing of software. In the simplest point of interaction , this could be sure a piece of software that does what you want ( test requirements ) before rolling out across the company.For commissioning software actively believed (either a simple implementation of a Wordpress blog or an application) , software testing becomes an important milestone in the plan. Software developers should not be trusted out all aspects of software testing , but at the same time is the responsibility of the implementation of the software to ensure that their needs are accurate.You can not blame a developer for the delivery of something that does not meet , if requirements are unclear or incomplete. This is the first stage of the test .

Saturday, September 14, 2013

How to use your server rack and care for it properly

There are many things to consider when you are selecting your server rack . One of the main things you need to look into buying a rack of servers are the built in cooling systems and adequate air circulation provided by the server rack . Server Racks are designed for fresh air and blow hot air . Features such as rack mounts and server rack doors can help reduce the amount of heat generated by the hardware , creating more space for the hot air blow and prevent any heat from being trapped in the room servers.

Why Privacy on the Internet May Offer Security Risks

Unfortunately , in this age your privacy on the Internet can put you and others in danger ! The scandal over the NSA has access to your private data that reflect their online activities has attracted the world's attention ! This protest has to do with whether a person online privacy is being violated by this surveillance to be monitored suspicious activity in a proactive effort to stop terrorism ! To date, the mood of public opinion has been one of awe and suspicion but there is some legitimacy to the need for this type of surveillance !
Here are 3 reasons difficult to dispute as to why your online privacy , at least here in the U.S. , May be compromised in an effort to keep you and your family safe !
Bad Guys there (not just video )
The most vulnerable part of society there is even online and track any suspicious activity is the only way to control it! It seems "controls" or " caution " of some sort must apply online to prevent malicious use of the technology ! We need to reconsider our view of our own web activity as completely secret and confidential? The most obvious and effective tactic to control illegal , unsafe or suspicious activity online is through diligence and observation ! If you have a better idea of what may actually be the founder of the Internet company 's next HUGE !

How to get rid of annoying pop-ups on your PC

Those annoying popups can be very annoying continuous , but hackers are more prevalent than ever before, which could also be harmful to your personally identifiable information and your computer. If you are experiencing these popup ads , you must determine the culprit, and get rid of it , especially if it is spyware or malware , since such programs can be harmful to you and your team .
A common culprit of pop -up ads is adware. This type of intruder comes in the form of pop-up ads that are in line with what your interests (based on your browsing history ) . Adware is normally incorporated with something that has been downloaded to your computer . For example , you may have downloaded the free software from a website . Adware is often linked to free software in the form of an agreement. When you download a free software , usually based on a license agreement end user. In this agreement , mentioning the adware , and its acceptance of the terms , you agree to allow the adware popups deliver his team, which in turn compensates the software developer , since the aim is to persuade to buy something advertised.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Torrent Application Options

Despite being just 12 years old, BitTorrent is widely known by PC users from all walks of life. Facilities provided in the shared media files through the Internet is also becoming one of the factors why BitTorrent quickly identified.

In 12 years only came controversy over the presence Torrent. Others are not often used because of Torrent to share files with copyright, some of them using the Torrent as the media to 'share' the virus.

Unfortunately no browser that can directly download files from Torrent, to download the torrent file needed another program, the following are some of the best programs that can be used to download a torrent file.

Motherboard ASRock Z77 OC Formula - Review

A number of motherboard manufacturers offer a special variant intended for those who want to maximize the system through overclocking. Similarly, through the ASRock Z77 OC Formula, ASRock cooperating NickShih - one expert to overclock in the world - to give her profile on the motherboard with the Intel Z77 Express chipset is. You can choose who you want to overclock level (eg 4800MHz) and ASRock Z77 OC Formula will be necessary to adjust various settings automatically.

How to Fix Your PC Problems

Even after using computers for a long time , many people still believe that the problems of fixing computer performance require expensive tools . This is a common mistake , because it does not take a genius to solve many common problems you may face while using computers. There are some very easy ways to take care of these problems without having to call a professional for help. This does not mean that undermine the skills of these professionals, as they have a great experience solving these problems .

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Newbie for Graphic Design: Top 5 things to remember!

' Graphic Design ' - just type those words into Google search and you can see a list of complex definitions appearing one after another. But since terminology in simple design , graphic means "the use of words and images in a creative way that communicates the right message to your target audience.Anyone Golf Design can be a graphic designer, but only those who are passionate about the designs can become a successful graphic designer . So, if you are one , here are 5 things that can help you gain a foothold in this creative field .

How to speed up your Mac

As the owner of a Mac , you may be surprised by experiencing a slow computer or bad performance of your Mac , but unfortunately , even the Mac are not 100 % invincible. As the owner of a MacBook Pro , I can tell you how frustrating it is to have a reputable machine as well built running slow . I can also say why yours might be working less than expected , and how to optimize its speed.

How to Backup Your Windows 7 Based Computer

Do not lose your important data and files . Do not be a victim of hard drive crash or virus / malware / spyware.You need to backup your files on a regular basis . It is a good habit to get into . My phrase is do not delay , backup today .First you will need to figure out where you have your important files. Most of the time will be in the Documents folder or on the desktop . Sometimes the data may have introduced elsewhere, and you can do a search for the files.Before you start making the backup, be sure to close all programs that contain the data you want to copy .

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Take advantage of CEOP in IE8

The era of social networking is already penetrated into the children. Content on social networks is very diverse and it makes some users worry. Internet itself is medai very useful information as well as very dangerous. If you want to create a safe access to the internet, you can take advantage of the features of Internet Explorer that CEOP (Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre) to an enhanced version of Internet Explorer 8.
setting CEOP

CEOP here selected package, and you can install all the packages available on the CEOP Tools. The installation process consists of two parts, starting with CEOP window that shows the components that are installed.

Note: The components can be downloaded separately. So it can be customized for a particular CEOP component is added to the browser.

Friday, September 6, 2013

Corel PDF Fusion: PDF manipulate with Various Forms

Corel PDF Fusion is a real all-in-one in PDF file format. The presence of this program is already long, but its ability in processing PDF files do not miss the programs that exist today.

With this program, besides displaying PDF documents, users can also edit, add objects, change the design, to add another PDF file into it. Everything can be done easily and quickly traverse the drag and drop system.

Corel PDF Fusion Interface looks simple. However, one of the interesting things from this program is functioning Assembly View. With this function, you do not just see the PDF file you open, but comparing with the file or other document. You can even insert documents into one PDF file union with which you opened before.

In view PDF files, Corel PDF Fusion also has a mode Flick View. This mode allows you to view PDF documents befits you open a book. With the mouse, place the cursor on each page and slide to go to the next page. This mode is used to conveniently view PDF documents, especially those that have a lot of pages in it.
Besides the functions to view PDF files, Corel also provides batch conversion feature. This feature is in the "Document" in the menu bar. Activate this function and open document format. DOC that you own. Next, select the format for the purpose of the document. Finally, with one click, the program will change file your documents into PDF format. The timing depends on the number of converted documents. However, overall, the process is pretty quick.

One other feature that is not less interesting is the watermark. With this feature, you can merge your identity in a PDF document. The aim of course that file or PDF document you will not be abused by those who do not want.

SAPPHIRE HD 7850 OC Edition: Graphics Card Overclockable For Middle Class

For gamers who are less satisfied with the performance of middle-class AMD graphics cards such as the HD 77xx series, this time presenting SAPPHIRE graphics cards upper middle class chipset with HD 7800 series that certainly has a faster performance. By relying on the 1024 stream processors, graphics cards SAPPHIRE HD 7850 OC Edition is not only able to handle a pretty heavy game well.

Although entry into the upper middle class, the size of the graphics card is not too big because the design does not exceed the dimensions heatsinknya PCB. Even so, the SAPPHIRE HD 7850 OC Edition is equipped with two 8 cm diameter fan. Not only two fans, transverse two heatpipes that also helps dissipate heat from the GPU. In addition, thermal pads are thick enough not forget to include the upper side heatsink temperature on chip memory in order to stay awake. In addition to keeping the temperature on chip memory, the thermal pads also make the stand more stable heatsink.

O & O DiskRecovery 8, Restore Lost Important Documents

When you want to open an important file for editing documents, you surprised because the file is not visible in the folder. Lost files with because you do not know. Therefore, it takes a special program to restore your missing files. Program O & O DiskRecovery 8 has a special duty to restore deleted files from a folder on your hard disk.

The program can restore deleted files due to the "delete", virus attack, software crash, and hardware problems. The program performs three times the detection process to determine the existence of a file until the bottom layer inside the hard disk and then be restored to the folder you have specified. File search process can be done quickly, even for large-capacity hard disk though. The program is also able to recognize the characters files of various formats that exist today, such as Microsoft Office 2013 document formats. There are 350 file types supported by O & O DiskRecovery this.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Email Security: Are Your Emails Truly Secure?

Did you know that driving and sending emails requires nearly the same level of coordination? Most people would never comprehend comparing the two, that's because sending emails and driving have nothing in common. However, Silver Sky - a provider of cloud security has found stark similarities between the two. The study revealed that most drivers expressed overconfidence in their driving skills - believed their driving skills were better than their colleagues at work.
The result of the study showed that nearly 99 percent of individuals were confident in their overall driving ability. The same study also looked at how individuals and professionals in an organization perceived their email composing skills. The study results revealed that 98 percent of employees responded by expressing complete confidence in their email composing skills. 43 percent of the employees said that they go beyond set procedures to ensure the security and confidentiality of their email communications.

protect computer from attack foreign programs

Your computer is a waiting playground for viruses and malicious malware. The controllers of these evil entities would like nothing more than to get inside the confines of your hard drive and take over your domain. The virus creators are lurking in the shadows waiting for their chance to infiltrate your encampment.
You must protect your computer from attack by these evil entities. In order to protect your system and keep your computer running like it should you are going to need to have a firewall in place. A firewall will prevent a lot of the intruders. There will be some persistent threats that will find a way around your firewall, but for the most part you will be protected as long as your firewall is enabled and running.
Antivirus software was created to detect and capture any threats that make it past your firewall. The antivirus software that you have will keep threatening programs that slip past your firewall from doing harm to your system.